Category: Blog
Jan 24
Hacking Weight Loss #1
New Year – New Decade – New You! Right?
This year I’m really “gonna” do it! This year I’m really “gonna” lose that 15lbs!
The number of weight loss programs out there are infinite. Some works, some doesn’t. And what is the common dominator about the “non working ones”? Honestly? Missing the discipline to follow the program.
We can be good for a week or two than we fall off the wagon…Willpower fades, and life comes at us with extra challenges. What do we do?
I know what I do, or want to do… reach for something that makes me feel good and gives me instant gratification. And let me share a secret, I’m not reaching for broccoli, neither kale…and somehow, I actually have the ability to rationalize my “bad” decision in my favor…hah…
During the 2 decades that I’ve spent in the health, wellness, fitness industry, I came across one program that has worked for everyone who signed up and followed the instructions. All instructions! Let me know if you’d like to know more.
In the meantime I’d like to share some good news about how you can facilitate your weight management and weight loss without signing up for any program, or any “ap”. Every one of us already have all “aps” and “equipments” built in that we need to make a change.
All we need is our head, the willingness to do the drills, and be consistent with the drills.
Take a peek at the video below:
This doesn’t mean that we can eat all we want. This doesn’t mean that we can have 3 “cheat-days” a week. It does not work that way. This is just one thing that can facilitate the process.
Those jaw glides also have several other benefits. They will stretch the muscles of mastication, take tension away from the neck muscles. Just think how many times we complain about tight jaw, grinding the teeth, stiff neck. Jaw glides are awesome drills for all those complaints too.
The Quiz is still alive from last week.
Will be announcing the winner/s on 1/30.
If you have not yet signed up for my YouTube channel
please subscribe. (It’s free, and I need a 1000 subscribers so I can do live feeds from my iPhone and don’t have to be sitting in front of the computer. Also tell your friends and family to subscribe. Thank you). As an appreciation for signing up you get to view a 68 minutes Yin Yoga practice. Enjoy the stretches.
Haven’t visited the studio yet?
Well, we have to remedy that! Call 617-678-0724 for a tour.
OH! There is always one more thing. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner! What is a better gift than a gift card to health. Gift cards are available on my website with different service and $ options.
Click here to see options, to connect and follow instruction to purchase.
I’m always ready to answer your questions and never too busy for your referrals.
Best in health.
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