Category: Blog, Uncategorized
Jan 30
What the Heck is NeuroCentric?
Lately, I’ve been getting some questions about why did I change the business name from BodyByIldi to this “NeuroCentric” thing.
I’m glad and surprised at the same time. Glad, because I had no idea that I confuse people, surprised it’s only coming up now, a year later after the studio has been open. Better late than ever, right?
First, thank you for the questions. This is how I learn. And I’ve just learned that something so obvious to me, the word “NeuroCentric” could be absolutely confusing to others.
Please keep sending questions, because through your questions I can learn about the disconnect between the information I’m trying to provide and what you’re hearing or seeing.
Neurocentric simply means: brain based, brain first. Everything that we feel, we do and experience is based on our brain’s function. Movement, sensation, mood, pain, are all a direct “output”, a direct reflection, a direct result on how well our brain functions. How well the brain can “read” the environment and how well it can respond to the challenges that we face every day, including mental, physical and emotional demands. The healthier our brain is, the more is able to integrate sensory information from the environment and respond to everyday physical, mental and emotional challenges.
Here is a video about what NeuroCentric Health is. By the end I’m sure you have your answer. If not, please ask.
We are all NeuroCentric, we might just not be aware of it yet.
Now that we cleared that up, I’m sure you’d like to know the answer for the quiz from last week.
First, here is the quiz:
What is the #1 common cause of the next 5 symptoms?
1, Increased weight gain or difficulty loosing weight.
2, Constant fatigue and mental foginess.
3, Decreased pain tolerance and increased pain sensitivity.
4, Waking up with a dry mouth.
5, Increased muscle tightness, increased risk of injury, or recurring injuries.
And the correct answer is mouth breathing!
The winners are: Patti, Christina, Linda and Simone! Congratulations Ladies!!! Let me know, if you’d prefer a Yoga class pass, or a 15-20 minutes chat answering any questions you might have. Coffee included 🙂
And here is a video to explain how all these symptoms above could be created by mouth breathing.
If these symptoms describe you, it’s time to start learning how to breathe through the nose. Not just during the day, but also at night. Correct nose breathing and taping the mouth will be the be focus for the next newsletter. Stay tuned..
Class and Events Updates
New weekly class on Wednesdays! Starting 2/5/2020 Wednesday.
5pm-6pm, every Wednesday. If you cannot enjoy yoga because of wrist, neck, back or shoulder pain, this is for you. Supported on Stall Bars and ropes, no weight, no compression on wrists and shoulder. No tension in the neck, no pain in the back.. Stretch, realign, get taller, and be pain free!
Here is the link to sign up for the first class.
2,YIN YOGA CLASS (available on Skype as well)
Every Wednesday 10-11.15am EST, in the studio or from your home (office), while vacationing in a different country or continent. The more people I can get, the better I can make the price point. Help me to build it up, it will keep your cost down. Sign up here:
Every Saturday 10.30-11.45am. Restore, rejuvenate and relax.
Sign up now:
No date? No problem. Come and do yoga with me on Friday 2/14 5-6.30pm. I’ll make you feel special!
sign up here:
Still haven’t visited the studio?
Come on now! Call 617-678-0724 for a tour!
Subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can view the videos that can help your daily, weekly practices and workouts. Complimentary yoga practices are also available.
Best in health. Ildi
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